Santa Skuja
- Klīniskais institūts - docente
Pieņemšanas laiki
- T 15:00 - 17:00, VMF A110.kabinets
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Factors influencing embryo quantity and quality in donor cows from Latvian Blue, Latvian Brown, and Danish Red breeds at risk in Latvia / I. Lusis, V. Antane, A. Waldmann, I. Sematovica, O. Ponomarjova, G. Ringa-Osleja, S. Skuja, M. Mangale, I. Kanska, M. Lidaks
- Effects of retained fetal membranes treatments and dry period length on the subsequent lactation in cows - milk yield and somatic cell count / S. Skuja, V. Antāne, I. Lūsis
- Postpartum serum biochemical and haematological changes in cows with and without retained fetal membranes / Santa Skuja, Vita Antāne
- The ovary activity in cows with and without retained fetal membranes / Santa Skuja, Vita Antāne
- Concentration of progesterone in the blood serum in cows with and without retained fetal membranes / S. Skuja, V. Antāne
- Bacteriological and morphological studies of cow’s uterus with and without retained fetal membranes / S. Skuja, V. Antāne
- Dzemdes bakterioloģisko, histoloģisko un reprodukcijas rādītāju salīdzinājums govīm ar un bez augļa segu aiztures = Comparison of bacteriological and histological parameters and reproductive performance in cows uterus with and without retained fetal membranes / Santa Skuja, Vita Antāne
- Bacteriological and histological studies of cow's uterus without and with retained fetal membranes / S. Skuja, V. Antāne, L. Feldmane
- Augļa segu aiztures ārstēšanas metožu, asiņu bioķīmisko, hematoloģisko un reprodukciju raksturojošo rādītāju salīdzinošs vērtējums govīm = A comparative evaluation of the treatment methods of retention of the fetal membranes, biochemical, haematologycal and reproductive parameters in cows / Santa Skuja, Vita Antāne
- Pētījumi par nometekļa aiztures cēloņiem, ārstēšanu un ietekmi uz govju turpmāko reprodukciju Jelgavas un Dobeles rajonos = Investigations on the causes of the fetal membranes retention, treatment and effect on the future reproduction in cows in Jelgava and Dobele districts / S. Skuja, V. Antāne